What Does Singapore’s Mandatory Covid-19 Workplace Testing Mean For You?

The recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the community in Singapore has drawn some concern from the multi-ministry taskforce, and they’ve implemented new testing regimes to identify and isolate infections within the community. 

How will the new testing guidelines affect business owners? And what can employees expect over the coming weeks? Read on for more insights from our team at Accela Talent.

Mandatory Regular Testing (High Risk)

Those working in higher-risk settings, such as F&B, personal care and fitness, have already been testing every fortnight under the Fast and Easy Test (FET) and Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) regime. Last week (September 13), the guidelines changed, mandating testing once per week.

This FET RRT was also extended to settings where interaction with the public is frequent, like public transport staff, private transport workers, retail mall workers, supermarket staff and delivery workers. Anyone who falls under these categories is now required to start self-testing once a week.

At the moment, the FET RRT is conducted through Employer Supervised Self-Swab, and is subsidised by the Government.


Regular Self-Testing

Companies who are not subjected to mandatory FET RRT, but have employees working onsite, are expected to start weekly testing for their onsite staff under the Time-Limited 8-weeks RRT scheme. Companies can voluntarily apply for eight ART kits per onsite employee. Employees can take the tests themselves at home, or in their place of work, once a week, and employers need to create a system to record these results. 

Your employees must start weekly self-testing if they fit the following criteria:

  • Staff members are not on mandatory PCR or FET RRT schemes

  • Staff members are required to physically return to the office/worksite/off-site premises for work purposes at least once a week. ‘Staff’ includes full-time and part-time employees, regular vendors/contractors, and students on placements or internships lasting more than two months.

You can apply for the company ART kits via this link, using Corppass, until October 13. Successful applicants will be informed of the ART kit delivery within 20 working days, and are required to start the weekly testing immediately upon receipt of the kits.

Companies who apply for the ART kits are expected to have processes in place to ensure the tests are conducted properly, that there is a robust system for recording the test results, and that appropriate follow-up protocols are adhered to. Companies are required to submit their ART results to the government at the end of each month here. Any companies who are found to be non-compliant, or who submit false information, will be charged the cost of the test kits. 


If You Test Positive

If you self-test for COVID-19 and get a positive result, you need to swiftly cancel any plans you had to leave your home, and immediately self-isolate for 72 hours, as outlined in this piece in The Straits Times. 

If you’re asymptomatic, continue to self-test every 72 hours until you receive a negative result. At that point, you have recovered from your COVID-19 infection and can return to your daily life.

If you test positive and experience symptoms, you should contact your GP to be assessed. Your GP may order another COVID-19 swab test, and will advise you on what to do next, based on the severity of your symptoms.

If you’re asymptomatic and concerned about the test result, you can contact your nearest Swab and Send Home clinic for advice. They may ask you to come in for another swab to confirm the result.


Guidelines For Employers In Case Of A Positive Test

Employers are required to put a response in place if and when positive cases are found in their workplace. Specifically, employers should trigger a 10-day WFH requirement if three or more employees are found to have contracted COVID-19 and have returned to the workplace within a period of seven straight days. The snap WFH period will start the day after the third employee tests positive.

Accela is staying on top of the latest guidelines and is in contact with the MOH. We have been told the relevant agencies will start contacting companies directly to manage regular self-testing requirements.


If you have any questions on how to manage testing requirements in your business, the HR Outsourcing team at Accela Talent is more than happy to help! Let’s chat: [email protected].


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